Riding Position Magic for Advanced Riders

with Randi Thompson

Teaching a rider a balanced riding position is an art. Start with the basics, but how does a rider move up to the next level in their position in the training process? This session will show various techniques that will improve the more advanced students in their riding position and balance.

Running time: 45 minutes

Randi Thompson's passion is to show riders how to become more aware of their riding position and reactions and how they affect your horse's balance and responses. She is a CHA Master Instructor, CHA ACI Clinician, professional coach and trainer in dressage, hunter/jumper, western pleasure and flat shod walking horses. She is the founder and CEO of the "Horse and Rider Awareness Educational Programs". Randi offers lessons, clinics, instructor training, speaking engagements, business and marketing consultations, and online virtual training worldwide. horseandriderawareness.com


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